What is my IP
What is my IP

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The development of 6G advances, and its logo is ready
The development of 6G advances, and its logo is ready

The development of 6G advances, which already has an identifying logo The telecommunications industry is quickly advancing towards the sixth generation of mobile connectivity, known as 6G, and an excellent example of this is the recent presentation of  the new official logo of these next generation of connectivity. The presentation was given by the 3GPP, the organization in charge of developing global standards for mobile technology. The new logo, featuring a modern, cutting-edge design, symbolizes the innovative spirit of 6G and its potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. The visual design reflects the unprecedented speed and connectivity expected from this new generation. Which are the new features of 6G? 3GPP is currently working on the technical specifications that will define 6G, and the release of the official logo indicates that the process is progressing as planned. 6G promises incredibly fast data speeds – up to 1Tbps maximum download speed –, extremely low latency and the ability to mix reality with the virtual world, including holographic communications with the help of advanced artificial intelligence. When is 6G expected? Although 6G is still in its early stages of development, the launch of the official logo is a warning that its configuration is advancing, although before this happens, the launch of 5G+ or advanced 5G mobile technology is planned this year. Between 2026 and 2028, the first real tests of 6G standards could be carried out and in 2030, 6G is expected to begin commercialization. The official unveiling of the 6G mobile connectivity logo will take place from May 8 to 10 at an IMT2030 workshop in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

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Founded in 1989, the Chinese company Lenovo is today another of the world's technology giants. By the beginning of 2021, Lenovo was the largest seller of personal computers in the world by units, and, to give more scandalous data, since 1995 they have sold more than 500 million PCs worldwide. It's not all about PCs. Lenovo also designs, develops, and manufactures tablets, smartphones, workstations, servers, supercomputers, electronic storage devices, IT management software, and smart TVs from operating sites around the world.

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How to change the IP address?
How to change the IP address?

How to change the IP address? We will explain step by step how to change your IP to be able to browse safely and anonymously on the Internet. The Internet is like a great highway and to "drive" on it, we must get on the road equipped with a computer, tablet, smartphone... with a license plate. This "license plate" is what is known as IP address and for many and several reasons, but mainly for security and/or privacy reasons, we may be interested in changing it. What is my IP? In order not to put the cart before the horse the first thing we must do to know how to change the IP of the computer is to find out what the IP of our connection is and verify that the change has been made correctly at the end of the process. Finding out what your IP is is as simple as visiting Cuál es mi IP (What is my IP).  By accessing the page, without the need to download or run any program, our tool will automatically display your IP address data on the screen. This address is also useful to know if you want, for example, to configure online services such as servers, FTP, games, ... and it consists of a numerical combination. This address is unique and public and is the one that identifies us on the Internet to the websites we visit and other users. Nobody can browse the net without an IP address. The IP is assigned to us by our Internet Service Provider (ISP) and as this address is exposed on the network it is known as public IP, as opposed to the private IP of our local network, which only we can know. What is my public IP and what is my private IP? How important are they to change my IP? Our computer or any other device connected to the Internet has two IP addresses, a public IP address, and a private IP address. The public IP, as we have seen, is the one that identifies us to be able to surf the Internet (imagine driving on a highway without a license plate... we would be stopped and banned from driving!) This public IP is linked to our connection and, therefore, all devices connected to the same router have the same public IP. On the other hand, the private IP is the one that individually identifies each device in our private or home network. In this local network, each computer has a private IP address that serves to differentiate it from the rest of the computers and devices connected to the router. In this way, any request for data that comes from or is sent to a device is identified by the router so that it collects or sends the corresponding data to that device. So, which IP address should I change? Private IPs are not accessible from the Internet, while public IPs are and allow us to track our location, data, and Internet activity, including the pages we have visited or the time we have spent on each of them. So, to improve our security and privacy on the Internet, we can change the public IP, or if we prefer, hide our IP. Doing so is not complicated and now we will explain how to change the IP, but first, you must make sure if your IP address is a dynamic IP or a static one, as it depends on it that you can manage to change the IP on your own or require the intervention of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). How do I check if my IP is dynamic or static before changing it? IP addresses can be static or dynamic. In both cases, these addresses are assigned by our Internet provider and the difference between them is that in the case of the static IP, IP addresses can be static or dynamic. In both cases, these addresses are assigned by our Internet provider and the difference between one address and the other is that in the case of the static IP, the address assigned is permanent for a device or router, while the dynamic IP changes every time that device or router connects to the Internet. Usually, the IP address is dynamic, but you can check it through our free tool to find out what is your IP address on our website. Remember that you do not need to download any program or run any application. Simply access cualesmiip.com and the home page will show your IP address, indicating whether it is a static or dynamic one.  If it is a static IP address, you will have to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and request the change or use a VPN service as we will explain below. But if it is a dynamic IP address, the change is easy and you have several alternatives for doing so. How do I change my public IP? The easiest way to change the IP address if it is a dynamic one is to turn the router off and on again. This will change the public IP and when you browse again you will do it with a different IP address than the one you had before turning it off. The tricky part of the situation is that the new address, like the previous one, will continue to be exposed on the network and if you want to change it again you will have to turn the router off and on each time. However, it may happen that despite doing so, this does not work and the IP address does not change. This happens because in certain circumstances Internet Service Providers (ISP) establish a certain period before which IP addresses cannot be changed. How to change my IP with a VPN? If you are looking for a solution that does not force you to be aware of turning your router on or off and that also offers a permanent solution that contributes to your online security and privacy, VPNs are already the most effective solution for changing your IP. VPNs are services designed to hide the IP address, whether you connect with a static IP address or a dynamic one, using that of an intermediate server, in such a way that the IP address is masked, appearing to the public as a different IP permanently. As this new Public IP belongs to the VPN server, none of our data is exposed and whoever traces the address will only reach that server, without being able to access any data about our connection, navigation, and identity on the network. VPN vs Proxy Proxy servers act in a similar way, although VPNs have the added advantage that they encrypt all data from the beginning to the end of the communication so that the impossibility of tracing data is 100% guaranteed. Proxy servers do not have this function and therefore your connection may still be susceptible to falling prey to cybercriminals. In addition, most proxy servers, unlike VPNs, must be configured manually and even, in some cases, individually in each browser. How do I know if my IP has been changed? And now that you know how to change the IP, you can test and check whether it went well by comparing your new IP address with the one you had before. If everything went well, you will see that the numbering is different and therefore your IP has been changed.

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What is Worldcoin and what does scanning the iris involve?
What is Worldcoin and what does scanning the iris involve?

Worldcoin was introduced in summer of 2023 as a revolutionary project with the mission of creating a 100% secure digital identity, essentially a kind of fortified "digital passport," based on the verification of a unique and non-transferable element inherent to each human being—the iris. According to its developers, World ID will help distinguish human online activity from that generated by machines. In the first phase of the project, the creation of this secure digital identity is planned for 2 billion humans. To make this possible, Worldcoin has called on the global population to scan their iris. In return, Worldcoin compensates participants with a few tokens of its successful cryptocurrency, WLD, which has quadrupled in value within a few weeks of its initial launch. The payment in WLD tokens is not coincidental; it is part of Worldcoin's strategy, aiming to leverage the new digital passports to create a comprehensive ecosystem that provides universal and equitable access to advanced financial services for the entire global population. To achieve this, they encourage "iris sellers" to use the Worldcoin cryptocurrency on its fee-free blockchain, unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies that do charge transaction fees. How does Worldcoin work? Worldcoin aims to address the issues of bots, rapid creation of fake identities, and content with artificial intelligence. It is designed, according to its developers, to provide every individual in the world with a unique digital identification. Additionally, Worldcoin promises to ensure the financial inclusion of each person in a fair and equitable ecosystem through a universal basic income. Users receive this income in exchange for allowing their iris to be scanned. To create the secure digital passport with Worldcoin, users must undergo an iris scan, which serves as proof of humanity and a unique identity on the blockchain. This process ensures that the individual on the other side of that identity is a human and not a fake profile created with artificial intelligence. In pursuit of the success of their proposal, the company offers users a small amount of their own Worldcoin tokens in exchange for iris scanning. The initial incentive of receiving free cryptocurrency, in the form of a universal basic income, is emphasized by Worldcoin advocates as the basis for the inclusive and universal nature of their initiative. This approach allows anyone to scan their iris, and the WLD tokens received in return can assist people without access to traditional financial services in starting to save and invest. How to Scan the Iris with Worldcoin? The registration process with Worldcoin involves scanning the iris with an orb, the central hardware device of Worldcoin developed by Tools for Humanity. The orb is spherical and processes all the information. Currently, Worldcoin has installed orbs in different countries, including Spain, where users can scan their iris in exchange for Worldcoins. To do this, it is necessary to download the Worldcoin mobile application, World ID, generate a QR code with it, and display it in front of the orb. The orb, upon recognizing it, will scan the user's iris, while a Worldcoin collaborator remotely oversees the operation. The orb takes less than a minute to perform the scan and validate the subject's identity. In exchange for their iris, the user receives a unique number called "IrisHash" and a cryptographic wallet with Worldcoins. "This digital passport is accepted as proof of unique humanity, which people can use in the digital world without the need to share any other data," assure its developers. What happens with my scanned iris in exchange for Worldcoins? Once the iris scan is completed, and digital identity is granted to the user, Worldcoin assures that the orb quickly eliminates the images unless the user requests their preservation. Only the set of numbers called "IrisHash" is stored for identification, without any additional biometric data. Worldcoin also commits to ensuring that users share only the necessary information they wish to share, providing verification options through linked devices or the additional facial authentication orb for high-security cases. Despite these commitments, the collection of biometric data through iris scanning for the unique proof of humanity continues to raise significant questions regarding privacy and information security. Some countries such as Brazil, France, India, or Kenya have halted Worldcoin's iris scanning. How much do you get paid for scanning your iris? Worldcoin pays 25 WLD for scanning your iris, which, according to the cryptocurrency's exchange rate in February 2024, has translated to an average of between 50 and almost €160 for iris sellers, depending on the value of Worldcoin on the day they scanned their iris. At the beginning of February, the value of each WLD unit was around two euros, and by the end of the month, it had risen to nearly seven euros. What can I spend my WLD on? 'Iris sellers' have the freedom to use their Worldcoins from the moment they receive them. They can exchange the payment for other cryptocurrencies, withdraw them in euros from a specialized ATM, or hold onto the tokens in the hope of an increase in their value. Additionally, WLD payments are already accepted on platforms such as Discord, Shopify, Minecraft, Telegram, Mercado Libre, or Reddit, among other places. Who is behind Worldcoin? Worldcoin bears the stamp of two innovative minds: Sam Altman and Alex Blania. Altman is the CEO of OpenAI and a key figure in artificial intelligence development, leading projects like ChatGPT. Blania, on the other hand, is the co-founder of Tools For Humanity, contributing his experience in creating technological tools for a more equitable economic system to this new and successful cryptocurrency.

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Totto is a leading company in the design of bags, accessories that fuse fashion and functionality. Undoubtedly, its collection of laptop backpacks is a clear example of this. Since its creation in 1958, Totto has had a long history of success offering its customers original design products and quality items. Since its beginnings in Colombia, its mission was to quickly develop a brand that made products focused on combating the idea that practicality in travel bags and backpacks for carrying electronic devices has to come hand in hand with excessive elegance.

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Where can I watch the Spanish Soccer League, on TV or via Streaming?
Where can I watch the Spanish Soccer League, on TV or via Streaming?

This new season of LaLiga Santander will be again, at least for the time being, a competition marked by restrictions on access to stadiums and that is why more than ever, watching LaLiga on television will become the main option for many fans to follow soccer from home.  If you are one of those who do not want to miss the LaLiga Santander matches live, then find out here where to watch the Spanish League on TV or via Streaming. How to watch LaLiga on TV? Once again this season, Gol TV repeats as free-to-air soccer and sports channel on DTT. This channel offers one free match per day, which can be watched by tuning in to the channel on television or through Gol's website. You can access this channel completely for free and although the teams that play each day's match always vary, there are no matches involving FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, or teams playing in European competitions. How to watch soccer on Movistar+? So if this deal doesn't suit our needs and what we are looking for is a channel where we can watch all the LaLiga matches (or almost all of them), Movistar+ offers 9 of the 10 matches of each day, always one involving Real Madrid or Barcelona. In order to watch LaLiga Santander matches live on Movistar+ we must be subscribed to a Movistar package containing "Movistar LaLiga": Fusión Selección with LaLiga, Fusión Selección Plus with Fútbol and Fusión Total Plus. Watching soccer on Movistar+ offers practical functionalities such as being able to activate the channel on any of our devices or use the live control to replay any play whenever we choose, return to the beginning of the match or return to the live broadcast whenever we want. What can I watch on Orange TV? Another network that offers LaLiga on television is Orange TV, which after reaching an agreement with Telefónica, owner in Spain of the television broadcasting rights of the main soccer competitions, invites its customers to enjoy every week of soccer, the 10 matches that are played every day, including all Real Madrid and FC Barcelona matches in 4K resolution. In this case, to watch LaLiga on Orange TV we must be subscribed to one of the three Orange packages that include soccer: Love Total, Love Total Plus, or Love Total Plus 4. How to watch LaLiga via streaming? If due to location, mobility, or any other reason we prefer to watch LaLiga via streaming instead of on TV, we also have several options at our disposal. As we said before, Movistar+ offers the possibility of watching soccer on your devices, wherever and whenever you want, even from abroad. To access the service, you only need to have a Fusión package that includes soccer, activate your user, and access Movistar+ with your passwords on any of the compatible devices connected to the Internet (former Yomvi service). Thus, as long as we are subscribed to a package that includes the match, we will be able to watch it on all our devices, including the Smart TV. And if we are away from home we will be able to do it on smartphones, computers, and tablets. Where to watch the Spanish League from the United States and Canada? All LaLiga matches in the United States are broadcast live on ESPN+, the subscription-based sports platform owned by Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer & International, which offers live streaming coverage and on-demand replays of LaLiga Santander matches. ESPN+ has broadcast rights to the Spanish league for eight seasons in the United States and also in Canada, where it offers full coverage of LaLiga matches to Canadian viewers through TSN.ca, RDS.ca, and the TSN and RDS apps. In addition, watching the Spanish Premier League in Latin America is possible through ESPN 2 in most countries and through some platforms such as Fox Sports Web or Now Net and Claro in Brazil. Browse the Internet safely and securely

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Founded in 1988, Zyxel is a Chinese company dedicated to the production of all kinds of electronic network devices for a wide range of connectivity systems. At Zyxel, a good network connection is not enough, it is just the beginning. A good network connection must include fast and agile bandwidth which operates smoothly, cleanly and without incidents. Currently, apart from solutions and devices for home and small businesses, Zyxel has customers all over the world that are Internet service providers, who use its technology to provide coverage to their customers.

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Qualcomm's new and most powerful chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, ready
Qualcomm's new and most powerful chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, ready

Qualcomm has just introduced its new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, the most advanced mobile processor with a 35% faster CPU.  The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is made up of 8 cores and not only presents notable improvements in artificial intelligence processing, also incorporates support for gaming technologies such as ray tracing, ensures a download speed of 10 Gbps and  supports, video playback up to 8k.  Qualcomm's new processor has become the first mobile platform to support INT4 and the most advanced 5G platform to date, supporting Wi-Fi 7 technology that doubles the bandwidth and speed of previous standards. According to information from Qualcomm, the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 will be available for high-end mobiles from OnePlus, Sony, Xiaomi or Motorola, among other brands, which will already begin to integrate it into their terminals from the end of this year.

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Google will expand telepresence testing to other companies outside of its offices
Google will expand telepresence testing to other companies outside of its offices

Google continues with Starline 3D communication's project, based on telepresence and has announced that they will start testing it soon. This new communication solution works as a window in which you can make eye contact with another person, who appears in 3D and real size , allowing two participants to feel as if they were together, in the same space, despite the distance. To achieve this, Starline works with two structures in parallel, the first formed by a screen with cameras, speakers, lighting microphones and the computer where, they have explained, the other person is represented. The secod structure has a rear unit with infrared feedback, where the user is located. So far, Starlie prototypes have been tested in some Google offices in the United States and now, it has been announced that they will also begin testing in other technology partner companies such T-Mobile, Hackensack Meridian Health or Salesforce.

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Netflix offers a new cheaper plan with tv advertisements
Netflix offers a new cheaper plan with tv advertisements

From November 10 th, in Spain and practically simultaneously in eleven other countries in Europe, Asia and America, the new Netflix subscription plan will be launched. The price will be,  5.49 euros per month and will give access to movies and series of Netflix catalog in exchange for showing ads. As it has been explained by Netflix, the average will be 4-5 minutes of ads per hour and this advertisements may appear both at the beginning of movies and series and during their playback.Within the framework of this new service, Netflix will offer to advertisers a new control tools to verify the level of display of their advertising and the validity of the traffic, with the aim that the ads that are displayed "are relevant to the consumers". At the moment, the new plan with ads from Netflix  does not include the entire catalog of series and movies on the streaming platform, due to a license restriction issue, although the company has already announced that they are working to solve these impediments. In addition to Spain, the rest of  countries where this new plan will be offered are: Germany, Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, the United States, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico and the United Kingdom.

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Europe proposes a very strict regulation that requires increasing the factory security of any device designed to be connected to the Internet
Europe proposes a very strict regulation that requires increasing the factory security of any device designed to be connected to the Internet

Some details from the new rules of the European Commission against cybercrime, 'Cyber ​​Resilience Act', are beginning to be known.  Among what has transpired is that the new regulation will force all manufacturers of potentially insecure products to increase it substantially and to provide more information to buyers about the level of protection of the devices they buy.  This regulation will be of general application, and will affect all types of devices and systems, from the most basic such as a watch to the most sophisticated such as the software of any computer designed to be connected to Internet. All must comply with the provisions of the 'Cyber ​​Resilience Act' to receive its approval and be able to be sold on the European market, and also, to avoid being subject to investigations and significant fines.  In this sense, the proposed sanctions that are considered in the draft of the regulations could reach 15 million euros or 2.5% of the global annual income of the fined company.  According to the European Commission in the presentation of the consultation carried out for the elaboration of the 'Cyber ​​Resilience Act', "the new regulation aims to respond to the needs of the market and protect consumers from unsafe products by introducing standards common cybersecurity standards for manufacturers and sellers of tangible and intangible digital products and ancillary services.

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Vodafone tests a new technology to identify the activity of their users on  Internet
Vodafone tests a new technology to identify the activity of their users on Internet

Vodafone has begin to test a new way of tracking the activity of their users on the network. This is an advertising identification system called TrustPid, which works by creating a fixed ID for each customer at the Internet Service Provider (ISP) level. After that, this ID will associates all user activity with it.  The objective is to use the data obtained for the distribution of publicity and personalized advertising and to prevent publishers from losing revenue.  According to the company, there is no way to circumvent the system at the browser level, blocking cookies or masking the IP address and they assure that it is a simple toll if people want to continue consuming high-quality content on the Internet without paying.  “Consumers appreciate the idea of ​​the free internet, but this needs a trade-off: publishers need a sustainable revenue model, which means adding subscription paywalls or relying on advertising to keep free access and ensure high-quality content”,  they justify.  At the moment, Vodafone is testing advertising identification in Germany with some of the country's largest websites, Bild.de and Deutsche Telekom, the parent company of T-Mobile.

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Apple reduces the manufacture of iPads in favor of the iPhone 13
Apple reduces the manufacture of iPads in favor of the iPhone 13

The global shortage of semiconductors is growing and in light of this situation, Apple has announced that they will reduce its production of iPads to use the chips in the iPhone 13. Apple has also chosen to reduce the production of older iPhones. The strategy, they explain, is to focus on their newest product, the iPhone 13 that arrived to the market at the end of last September, and take advantage of the foreseeable pull, especially in western markets where the sales rate are already beginning to approach to the prepandemic stadium. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Apple's chief financial officer, Luca Maestri, said that the losses generated by the shortage of chips have been millionaire and Apple has stopped earning 6.000 million dollars.

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Facebook announces 10,000 new jobs in Europe to develop its metaverse
Facebook announces 10,000 new jobs in Europe to develop its metaverse

Facebook has announced 10,000 new jobs in the European Union to develop a new virtual environment. This environment is going to be design to  interconnected virtual experiences using different technologies  as virtual and augmented reality.  This new environment baptized as a metaverse will increase the feeling to be presence in the virtual environment and the interaction between all those who are there. The goal, explains Vice President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, Vice President of Core Products, Javier Olivan is create a greater sense of 'virtual presence', to unlock access to new creative, social and economic opportunities.  Facebook will shortly begin recruiting candidates for the 10,000 jobs. Their first priority will be highly specialized engineers.

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Windows 11 ready and with 10 days to roll back to the previous version if you do not like it
Windows 11 ready and with 10 days to roll back to the previous version if you do not like it

Everything is ready so users can begin to install Windows 11 before the end of the year with the great added novelty that if once the update is installed but it does not convince you, you can roll back to the previous version. Microsoft said that Windows 10 users who upgrade to Windows 11 will have 10 days to easily roll back that update. After that 10-day grace period you will need to back up your data and do a 'clean install' to move back to Windows 10. The possibility of upgrading to Windows 11 will depend on the compatibility of the computer with the new version, although in a document of questions and answers for the commercial ones, Microsoft indicates that most of the Windows 10 computers that at the moment are commercialized fulfill the minimum requirements to do it. In the same document, Microsoft explains that Windows 11 maintains the performance and security of Windows 10 "with a redesigned and refreshed look and feel," and new tools, sounds and applications. It is also confirmed that Windows 10 support will be maintained until October 14, 2025.

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