What is my IP
What is my IP

Mundo-R's Customer Service

Contact and telephone numbers of Mundo-R


If you have any questions regarding your cell phone plan or any other Mundo-R service you have purchased, please call 1449.

If you need to contact Mundo-R customer service while you are abroad, dial 1449. If you are calling from your mobile, remember to dial + first, and if you are calling from a landline, dial the international call prefix 00.

The Mundo-R phone number for those who are not yet customers of the operator is 881 270 668. This is the number to call if you want to request information about rates and services.

Telephone Numbers of Mundo-R

  • Public Telephone: 900 699 859
  • Customer Telephone: 1449
  • Telephone for non-customers: 881 270 668
  • Telephone from abroad: +34 698 111 449

Contact Mundo-R through Social Networks

You can also contact Mundo-R via social media. DM them, comment on one of their posts or use any other tool offered by the social media platforms. Its agents will address your concerns quickly and efficiently.

Facebook de Mundo-R

Facebook de Mundo-R

Twitter de Mundo-R

Twitter de Mundo-R

Linkedin de Mundo-R

Linkedin de Mundo-R

Youtube de Mundo-R

Youtube de Mundo-R

Contact websites with Mundo-R

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