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Search results: cupertino

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Approximately 1 results of cupertino

Apple wants to launch its own in-house 5G modems by 2023
Apple wants to launch its own in-house 5G modems by 2023

2023 is the date that most analysts estimate, as likely Apple does, to do the presentation of its first 5G modem.  If the forecast comes true and Apple goes ahead with its own 5G modems manufacturing, Qualcomm, the current suppliers of the Snapdragon X55 modems for the iPhone 12 and Snapdragon X60 for the next iPhone 3, would be out of the equation, although the agreement they have signed until 2025 with Cupertino could lead to simultaneous Apple launches in the smartphone market with one or the other modem depending on the region of sale for a while. The development of Apple's 5G modems comes after the company bought the Intel division dedicated to these devices two years ago.

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