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Apple take distances itself from the Metaverse
Apple take distances itself from the Metaverse

Unlike many other companies, it seems that Apple looks suspiciously at everything that has to do with virtual worlds and according to Bloomberg analyst Mark Gurman, who is specializes in this company, Apple would have ruled out the idea of ​​a virtual world for the time being where users can get away all day. Gurman assures that he has been told "fairly directly" that the Metaverse idea is "out of bounds" . This, however, does not mean that Apple is losing ground in the virtual world and if plans continue as they are, this company will most announce its first virtual and augmented reality headset this year. Apple's viewer would be mixed reality and would focus on video games, communication and content consumption.

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Genius is a reputable manufacturer of computer-related electronic products and accessories. Genius is a Taiwanese company founded in 1983 that has become one of the leading international peripheral brands by bringing people closer to the digital world. Genius designs mice, keyboards, stylus, headsets, speakers, webcams and gaming devices that provide a great user experience. Its peripherals have the best price-performance ratio on the market and are designed for both home and professional use.

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Since its inception, the Swiss company Logitech has focused on designing and manufacturing innovative and quality solutions for people's daily lives. Since 1981, Logitech creates and produces computer accessories such as keyboards, mice, speakers, and headsets from production subdivisions in different parts of the world. Through extensive pre-design studies, they analyze how people connect and interact with the digital world. Based on the information gathered, they then design the best products to improve the user experience.

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