What is my IP
What is my IP

Jazztel's Customer Service

Contact and telephone numbers of Jazztel


If you need to contact Jazztel customer service, call 1565. This number is exclusively for Jazztel customers.

If you need to resolve an issue related to your line while you are abroad, call 1565.

The Jazztel phone number for those who are not yet customers of the operator is 900 866 551. This is the number to call if you want to request information about rates and services.

Telephone Numbers of Jazztel

  • Public Telephone: 900 866 551
  • Customer Telephone: 1565
  • Telephone for non-customers: 900 866 551
  • Telephone from abroad: +34 640 001 011 / +34 91 140 15 65

Contact Jazztel through Social Networks

Another simple and direct way to contact Jazztel is via social media. All you have to do is access Jazztel profile and send them a message describing your problem.

Facebook de Jazztel

Facebook de Jazztel

Twitter de Jazztel

Twitter de Jazztel

Linkedin de Jazztel

Linkedin de Jazztel

Instagram de Jazztel

Instagram de Jazztel

Youtube de Jazztel

Youtube de Jazztel

Contact websites with Jazztel

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