What is my IP
What is my IP

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Google incorporates Artificial Intelligence into its search results
Google incorporates Artificial Intelligence into its search results

During Google's annual developer conference, Google I/O, the company has publicly announced its commitment to Artificial Intelligence to improve its search results. Similarly, Google will introduce the generative AI collaboration tool, Duet AI, in Cloud and Workspace. The objective in this case is to assist in programming and generating personalized content in services like Gmail, Slides, or Meet. Google has opened generative AI support in Vertex AI and has also announced the Text Embeddings API for applications that require semantic understanding of text or images. At the developer conference, Google's Vice President and General Manager of Search, Elizabeth Reid, gave a live demonstration of how they are applying Artificial Intelligence in their search engine. The AI results will be displayed in a box at the top of the page with links to verify the provided information. Below the box, the rest of the results will be listed as usual, although Reid also mentioned that thanks to AI, they will now be more relevant.

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How to change the IP address?
How to change the IP address?

How to change the IP address? We will explain step by step how to change your IP to be able to browse safely and anonymously on the Internet. The Internet is like a great highway and to "drive" on it, we must get on the road equipped with a computer, tablet, smartphone... with a license plate. This "license plate" is what is known as IP address and for many and several reasons, but mainly for security and/or privacy reasons, we may be interested in changing it. What is my IP? In order not to put the cart before the horse the first thing we must do to know how to change the IP of the computer is to find out what the IP of our connection is and verify that the change has been made correctly at the end of the process. Finding out what your IP is is as simple as visiting Cuál es mi IP (What is my IP).  By accessing the page, without the need to download or run any program, our tool will automatically display your IP address data on the screen. This address is also useful to know if you want, for example, to configure online services such as servers, FTP, games, ... and it consists of a numerical combination. This address is unique and public and is the one that identifies us on the Internet to the websites we visit and other users. Nobody can browse the net without an IP address. The IP is assigned to us by our Internet Service Provider (ISP) and as this address is exposed on the network it is known as public IP, as opposed to the private IP of our local network, which only we can know. What is my public IP and what is my private IP? How important are they to change my IP? Our computer or any other device connected to the Internet has two IP addresses, a public IP address, and a private IP address. The public IP, as we have seen, is the one that identifies us to be able to surf the Internet (imagine driving on a highway without a license plate... we would be stopped and banned from driving!) This public IP is linked to our connection and, therefore, all devices connected to the same router have the same public IP. On the other hand, the private IP is the one that individually identifies each device in our private or home network. In this local network, each computer has a private IP address that serves to differentiate it from the rest of the computers and devices connected to the router. In this way, any request for data that comes from or is sent to a device is identified by the router so that it collects or sends the corresponding data to that device. So, which IP address should I change? Private IPs are not accessible from the Internet, while public IPs are and allow us to track our location, data, and Internet activity, including the pages we have visited or the time we have spent on each of them. So, to improve our security and privacy on the Internet, we can change the public IP, or if we prefer, hide our IP. Doing so is not complicated and now we will explain how to change the IP, but first, you must make sure if your IP address is a dynamic IP or a static one, as it depends on it that you can manage to change the IP on your own or require the intervention of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). How do I check if my IP is dynamic or static before changing it? IP addresses can be static or dynamic. In both cases, these addresses are assigned by our Internet provider and the difference between them is that in the case of the static IP, IP addresses can be static or dynamic. In both cases, these addresses are assigned by our Internet provider and the difference between one address and the other is that in the case of the static IP, the address assigned is permanent for a device or router, while the dynamic IP changes every time that device or router connects to the Internet. Usually, the IP address is dynamic, but you can check it through our free tool to find out what is your IP address on our website. Remember that you do not need to download any program or run any application. Simply access cualesmiip.com and the home page will show your IP address, indicating whether it is a static or dynamic one.  If it is a static IP address, you will have to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and request the change or use a VPN service as we will explain below. But if it is a dynamic IP address, the change is easy and you have several alternatives for doing so. How do I change my public IP? The easiest way to change the IP address if it is a dynamic one is to turn the router off and on again. This will change the public IP and when you browse again you will do it with a different IP address than the one you had before turning it off. The tricky part of the situation is that the new address, like the previous one, will continue to be exposed on the network and if you want to change it again you will have to turn the router off and on each time. However, it may happen that despite doing so, this does not work and the IP address does not change. This happens because in certain circumstances Internet Service Providers (ISP) establish a certain period before which IP addresses cannot be changed. How to change my IP with a VPN? If you are looking for a solution that does not force you to be aware of turning your router on or off and that also offers a permanent solution that contributes to your online security and privacy, VPNs are already the most effective solution for changing your IP. VPNs are services designed to hide the IP address, whether you connect with a static IP address or a dynamic one, using that of an intermediate server, in such a way that the IP address is masked, appearing to the public as a different IP permanently. As this new Public IP belongs to the VPN server, none of our data is exposed and whoever traces the address will only reach that server, without being able to access any data about our connection, navigation, and identity on the network. VPN vs Proxy Proxy servers act in a similar way, although VPNs have the added advantage that they encrypt all data from the beginning to the end of the communication so that the impossibility of tracing data is 100% guaranteed. Proxy servers do not have this function and therefore your connection may still be susceptible to falling prey to cybercriminals. In addition, most proxy servers, unlike VPNs, must be configured manually and even, in some cases, individually in each browser. How do I know if my IP has been changed? And now that you know how to change the IP, you can test and check whether it went well by comparing your new IP address with the one you had before. If everything went well, you will see that the numbering is different and therefore your IP has been changed.

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Meta uses AI for a new system that generates videos from text descriptions
Meta uses AI for a new system that generates videos from text descriptions

Meta has presented "Make-A-Video" a new application that, based on Artificial Intelligence, is capable to generate a short video from a text description.  The AI ​​system used is based on imaging technology that learns from paired text and image data and videos without context. From them, the new system is able to create a high-quality video,  converting the provided text into a short clip.  According to the statement issued from Mark Zuckerberg's company, "Make-A-Video" represents an important advance with respect to "Make-A-Scene", the similar system presented by Meta last summer, that generates precise images from descriptions of text and sketches.

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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Esta política de privacidad aplica a todos los contenidos de este sitio web y que sean publicados por Dommia Design Studio. Si usted tiene alguna consulta sobre cómo usamos su información personal, por favor contacte con nuestro responsable de privacidad en [email protected]. Según lo establecido en el RGPD (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679), les proporcionamos la Información Detallada de Protección de Datos que se expone a continuación: Responsable: Dommia Design StudioRazón Social: Dommia Design Studio SLC.I.F.: B-66440581Dirección: c/ Lepant, 326, Entlo, Desp 3 - 08025 - BarcelonaTeléfono: 936 241 455Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona Tomo: 44619, Folio: 176, Hoja: 461387, Inscripción: 1 Información que recopilamos y con qué objetivo Esta sección detalla la información que podemos recoger sobre usted. Explicamos por qué y cómo lo utilizamos en secciones posteriores. Información que obtenemos a través de cookies y herramientas similares Utilizamos cookies (y tecnologías similares) y herramientas de análisis en nuestros sitios para recopilar información sobre usted. Esta información se puede utilizar para mejorar el rendimiento del sitio y mejorar la experiencia de usuario. Proporcionamos información detallada sobre cookies y tecnologías similares dentro de nuestra Política de Privacidad; algunos ejemplos incluyen: Su ubicación: utilizamos cookies para mostrar información del lugar más relevante para su ubicación. Su uso: utilizamos cookies para entender como nuestros clientes utilizan nuestros sitios. El dispositivo: utilizamos cookies para entender el tipo de dispositivo que está utilizando para mostrarle la mejor versión del sitio. Si desea administrar sus cookies, siga las instrucciones de la sección "Cómo gestionar las cookies" dentro de nuestra Política de Privacidad. 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Puede ejercer estos derechos contactando a nuestro oficial de Privacidad en [email protected]. ¿Dónde se aplica esta política de privacidad? La información personal recopilada por el CLIENTE. Nuestro sitio web puede contener enlaces a sitios web de terceros que no están sujetos a esta política de privacidad. No somos responsables de su contenido, uso de información personal o prácticas de seguridad. Si tiene una consulta sobre el tratamiento de su información personal, comuníquese con nuestro oficial de Privacidad en [email protected]. Cambios en esta política de privacidad Esta política es efectiva desde el 24/05/2018. Cualquier cambio que hagamos a esta política de privacidad se publicará en esta página, explicitando la fecha del último cambio.

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Google Health will be use to study the impact of mobile phones on our mental health
Google Health will be use to study the impact of mobile phones on our mental health

Spaniards spend an average of 3 hours and 40 minutes a day connected to the mobile. This time  multiplied from Monday to Sunday is the same as more than 25 hours a week, according to the Digital Consumer by Generation report.  To analyze the impact of all this time of digital consumption on our mental health, a group of researchers from the University of Oregon (United States) has just announced that they will use the Google Health app to analyze how users use their smartphones and discuss how in the future, digitals products and devides can   make people happier, without falling into dependency.  In their work, they will measure factors such as sleep or physical activity, for which they will also use the data collected by Fitbit, the activity bracelets owned by Google. One of the researchers, Dr. Nicholas Allen, stressed that "some studies similar to the one that we are going to start,  usually condem the technology based on their conviction that it must be bad for mental health and well-being." . For this reason, he believes that  is not positive to focuses only on the potentially harmful effects of the use of the devices, and also is important to takes into account the benefits that they offer.

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Fear of China spying on athletes' smartphones during the Beijing Olympics
Fear of China spying on athletes' smartphones during the Beijing Olympics

A few weeks before the start of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, February 4 to 20, the media in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have confirmed that the Olympic committees of their countries have asked their athletes not to take their Smartphones and computers with them. The reason, they said, is the fear of Chinese espionage.  For these reason, both sports organizations will equip all their athletes and other support personnel with new devices so that they can be connected during their stay in China, without exposing their personal data at risk.  The decision by the Netherlands Committee was known in an interview in the Volkskrant newspaper, which appeared earlier this week.  Geert Slot, the spokesman for the Netherlands Olympic Committee, explained that "Cybersecurity  has become a much bigger topic in recent years, and China is a very special case."  In addition to the Netherlands and England, Australia is known to have made a similar recommendation to its athletes, and also the United States.

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New Wifi technology to accurately count seated people
New Wifi technology to accurately count seated people

Small natural gestures such crossing your legs, checking your mobile, or scratching your nose are enough to count the number of people sitting in certain space.  A group of researchers from the University of California have developed a system that overcomes the precision problems that the lack of movement during most of the time in seated people caused in this type of counting operations. This new system also allows those seated behind a wall to be counted.  The new technology that is suitable for Wi-Fi devices is based on a mathematical model that, in a similar way to how the queue management theory works, relates the total number of gestures to the number of people sitting in the same space. Accuracy is 96.3, based on tests performed during the study.  In addition, the researchers say, the system offers an accuracy of almost 90%, in the detection of people behind the walls or dividing columns of any space.

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Gmail is renewed and will allow calls and videoconferences without share links
Gmail is renewed and will allow calls and videoconferences without share links

The new Google update announced for Workspace will allow Gmail to access to the rest of Google applications and services.  Additionally, users will be able to make calls and video calls from Gmail without t any additional link.  And this is so, because Gmail is destined according to its developers to become an effective and decisive global communication platform.  It has been advanced, for example, that we will be able to interconnect Google applications through ‘smart chips’ with the ‘@’ symbol. The new interface will include also a similar app to Slack and a call and video call service through the Gmail application itself without having to share any link with our conversation partners.

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What is web hosting and why do you need it?
What is web hosting and why do you need it?

If you are thinking of creating your own website or if, on the contrary, you already have one and are looking for a better web hosting service, you probably have many doubts concerning web hosting: what exactly is it, what are its different types, why do I need it, etc. For this reason, here we offer you a clear and simple guide to web hosting. What is web hosting? Web hosting is a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the Internet so that it can be consulted at any time and from any place and device. The content of the websites is stored, therefore, in web servers. These servers allow the content to be accessible via the World Wide Web. For all those who do not know the term, a web server is a piece of computer equipment that is much more powerful than any conventional computer and that is connected to the Internet 24 hours a day to enable access to the contents it stores. Different types of web hosting are offered based on the web server: shared hosting, VPS, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, elastic hosting, etc. These services are offered by web hosts such as Webempresa, which provide space on a server for use by clients. Why do you need web hosting? Web hosting allows your website to be always online and available worldwide and for everyone. Therefore, even if you can afford to buy your own server and have a fast internet connection, it is advisable to hire a web hosting service, as it will be much cheaper. Web hosts have their own servers to host their clients' websites. These servers are located in a Data Processing Center (DPC): an infrastructure that has the most advanced security systems and stable and secure internet connections, which prevent errors in the services. What are the different types of web hosting? Although there are different types of web hosting in the market, the most common are the following: shared hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting, cloud hosting, reseller hosting, and WordPress hosting. Each of them meets the needs of a particular group of customers. Shared hosting is the most basic type of web hosting. The provider rents small spaces on a single server to different websites. In this way, all customers have their own space to host their content, while sharing server resources such as CPU, processor, RAM, bandwidth, or IP address. In contrast, a dedicated hosting service is a type of web hosting in which the client leases an entire server and does not share it with anyone else. Although shared hosting works very well, a dedicated server stands out because it is never affected by existing traffic and because it has a higher level of security. A virtual private server (VPS) is basically a server running within a server. One physical server hosts multiple virtual servers, each isolated from the others. Each VPS runs its own operating system, independent of the others. The features offered by a virtual private server are very similar to those of shared hosting. At the same time, it offers all the benefits of a dedicated server. Cloud hosting works in a very similar way to the "cloud" where we store all kinds of documents. This is because all the resources that are used to collect the information of a website are executed from a cloud server. The main difference between cloud hosting and other web hosting types is that, in this case, you only pay for the services you use. Reseller hosting is another type of web hosting. It is basically white-label web hosting. A person buys hosting from a provider and then resells those services to his/her clients. This allows the creation of hosting plans and external domains or subdomains. The last type of web hosting we will talk about here is email hosting, which allows you to register a domain name and therefore have a professional email service. This type of web hosting is highly recommended for businesses or individuals that intend to convey an image of seriousness and trust. Thus, thanks to email hosting, you will be able to have a personalized email address, more storage space, and a higher level of security.

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How to keep your Mac safe?
How to keep your Mac safe?

5 things you should do to protect your Mac How many times have we heard that Mac is a more than secure and unbreakable system? For years, Apple has made its security through obscurity, or in other words, its proprietary software, flagship and brand guarantee. Today, however, just when Mac is no longer a minority option, Steve Jobs' system has become another favorite target for hackers and cybercriminals. The market has responded to this with the development of specific protection tools for Mac, while Apple works on optimizing its system in each version. Knowing what kind of tools exist for Mac and which ones are already included in our computer will help us to stay safe and choose the best strategy that fits our needs and use of the equipment. 1. Use computer security tools Cybersecurity is a universal and necessary practice in all operating systems today. The objective is to ensure protection against attacks and theft by cybercriminals who are looking for personal or confidential information stored on our computers or that enters or leaves them, in order to use it for their own benefit. What is VPN security? Cybersecurity tools help us to minimize our footprint on the Internet and thus increase our privacy and security. In this regard, VPN services for Mac stand out, as they incorporate advanced protection technologies capable of connecting to the Internet through intermediate servers, so that our IP address - our identification on the network - is replaced by the IP address of this secure server, without anyone being able to trace our connection. This type of VPN service also encrypts any information leaving our computer, thus preventing it from being accessed on its journey to its destination. This is essential, for example, when using public Wi-Fi networks to connect to the Internet. 2. Keep the operating system and software up to date As simple as it may seem, one of the best and easiest ways to protect a Mac is to always have the latest version of the operating system installed and to work with updated software downloaded from the Mac App Store. System updates usually include security patches, among other things. How do I update my Mac? Through the System Preferences Panel of our computer we can set that when there are available updates we receive a notice from MacOs warning us of it or that these updates, whether system data files, security updates or official software are installed automatically. To check if we are working with the latest versions available and our Mac is up to date we can do it by checking through this same panel if there are updates available at that time. If we have checked the automatic updates option, Mac will do this task for us routinely. 3. Use secure settings Mac's default security settings can be greatly enhanced by manually configuring the security and privacy terms of our computer. How to change the Privacy and Security preferences on the Mac? By accessing the "Privacy" tab of the "Security and Privacy" option of the Control Panel we will have the option to manage what information we allow our computer to make available to others over the Internet or on a network and what applications we allow access to our data and files. In the same way, but through the "Security" tab, we will be able to incorporate passwords for the access to different tasks and operations of the computer and through the "FileVault" tool we will be able to ensure the encryption, for example, of our personal information or certain documents for which a password will be required to unblock them. 4. Use an Antivirus for Mac There are antivirus programs developed specifically for Mac. Some of them are special for certain threats, although in general most of them offer a wide range of services to help us keep our computers safe. Which is the best antivirus for Mac? The range of antivirus for Mac, free and paid, is nowadays much wider than a few years ago, highlighting among the most complete and advanced, antivirus with malware protection functions in real time, tools against digital identity theft, protection against spyware or advanced detection and removal of blackmail programs. 5. Make regular backups Apple has a native function, Time Machine, which makes backup copies of our hard disk on a separate secondary disk, so that if for any reason we suffer an attack or a breakdown we can recover all the information. Many antiviruses offer a backup service, backup or backup similar but in the cloud, as a preventive measure against writing errors on the disk, theft of devices or even against data hijacking or ransomware.

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What is the value of a Bitcoin?
What is the value of a Bitcoin?

Since Bitcoin first appeared in 2009, this digital currency not issued by any government or company, nor, under the umbrella of any kind of economic policy, has gained a foothold in the market and has already started to fit into existing legal frameworks. What gives Bitcoin its value? The great value of Bitcoin is that it is a decentralized and global currency, an alternative to fiat currencies (those issued by governments). All transactions with Bitcoins are public and each of these crypto currencies belongs exclusively to its owner, therefore, it is a currency that cannot be intervened by anyone. What can I do with Bitcoins? To date, with this cryptocurrency, it is possible to monetize all kinds of services, in addition to making investments, free or practically free of commissions, which in the medium to long term are proving attractive. This has made Bitcoin an asset in which to invest and an increasingly popular means of payment through which to transfer value from one user to another without losing friction along the way, going through an intermediary or paying a commission. What is the price of a Bitcoin? Like any other good, the price of a Bitcoin varies according to market demand, although the fact that it has been designed to behave as a deflationary asset and that its supply is limited to 21 million coins, facilitates that by the law of supply and demand itself, the Bitcoin exchange rate tends to rise continuously. As of June 9, at the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin value today is 30,007.86 euros, 3.4 times its price a year ago, when the Bitcoin to Euro conversion rate was 8,629.5 Bitcoins for 1 euro. In 2010 Bitcoin price was less than one Euro cent. What does the value of Bitcoin depend on? The value of Bitcoin depends on the trust and acceptance of users to use it, hence why Bitcoin is rising in value some days and not others. As Bitcoin has been implemented as a means of payment in multiple transactions and its popularity has grown, its value has grown in parallel.  Likewise, when there have been news or events that have questioned, for example, the suitability of this crypto currency, its price has fallen. Like any other currency, the price of Bitcoin fluctuates and it is the users themselves who set it at the time of the purchase and sale transaction, which prevents the existence of a single price for Bitcoin, since it is not operated through a single platform as is the case with other currencies. Even so, buying and selling prices of Bitcoins tend to be quite similar. To know how much Bitcoin costs, there are several online platforms, known as "Bitcoin trading platforms" that report live the evolution of the value of the cryptocurrency. Is it safe and profitable to invest in Bitcoin? As with any other asset, investing in Bitcoins is profitable if we know how to do it at the right time. On the other hand, the Blockchain technology on which Bitcoin is based is reliable and difficult to manipulate, with no risk of being counterfeited, although some experts believe that the perfect, 100% inviolable system has not yet been created. In the cryptocurrency segment, convertibility is contemplated, so that Bitcoins can be exchanged for fiat currencies. What can I buy with Bitcoins? Over the last few years, a large number of companies have incorporated Bitcoin as an official method of payment for their goods and services From travel companies to ticket sales platforms for all kinds of shows, through gaming platforms, digital bookstores, software stores or even non-profit organizations already accept this digital currency. That is, Destinia, 13tickets, Gear Best, Shopify, Wordpress, Hostinger, Greenpeace,... among many other companies. eBay is currently considering adding Bitcoin as a method of payment. What is Bitcoin mining and how are Bitcoins generated? The users themselves through a totally decentralized system create Bitcoins. To become a bitcoin creator, computers with high computational capacity are needed to process and verify transactions and quickly solve the complex digital processes of generating the currency. This work is called mining and one of its best attractions is that the system offers "miners" rewards in Bitcoins in exchange for these services, which has made this activity very appealing for certain users. Is it profitable to mine Bitcoins in Spain? Bitcoin mining requires very powerful equipment, with high calculation capacities to solve operations, being nowadays totally inoperative for this operation the PCs of domestic or office use. The investment to mine Bitcoins requires, in addition, to assume the large power consumption required by this more powerful equipment, which makes Spain, at this time due to the high price of KW/h, an uninteresting market for mining Bitcoins. On the contrary, other locations such as China, Iceland, Iran or Georgia, where the Bitcoin mining business is in full expansion, are very interesting.

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